Information, Support, Connection: How are young people engaging with digital spaces to learn about bodies, sex and relationships?
This situation analysis provides a detailed review of how young people are currently using digital platforms for SRHR.
By: UNESCO – 2020
Type of Resource: Situation analysis
Sexuality education for young people in digital spaces: A review of the evidence
This situation analysis provides a detailed review of how digital platforms are currently used to fulfill young people’s SRHR needs, based on desk review and surveys.
By: UNESCO – 2020
Type of Resource: Situation analysis, literature review
Going Online for Sexual and Reproductive Health: Meaningfully Engaging Adolescent Girls and Young Women for Smarter Digital Interventions
This qualitative research among adolescent girls in Malawi, Rwanda and India explores how young people use digital platforms for SRHR.
By: Women Deliver, Girl Effect – 2020
Type of Resource: Qualitative research