About Us


Young people are the largest and growing demographic globally and represent an immense potential and promise for shaping the future of digital health.

However, they also continue to be a neglected and under-represented population group, facing multiple vulnerabilities and challenges. When supported and empowered, young people can facilitate transformative, inclusive, and sustainable change from local to global levels.


Our Young Experts work in three distinct builders groups with the support of a Youth Officer

Narrative Builders: Bring values and mission to life through advocacy, communications, story telling, campaign
●       Example activities: key message development, article writing, media engagement, social media, newsletter, campaign development, etc.

Community Builders: Identify and develop relationships with values aligned actors (donors, youth networks/orgs, NGOs, academia, etc.) and other actors to influence (who may not yet be values aligned)
●       Example activities: stakeholder mapping, partnership meetings, develop partnership agreements, donor engagement, etc.

Team Builders: support the process of YET4H shifting towards being a healthy and thriving independent initiative
●       Example activities:  plan/host team building events, assess morale/motivation, maintain internal systems (file systems, whatsapp), reassess internal structures/plans for membership evolution, and process for securing independence (registration, etc.)

Support: Youth/YET4H Officer provides overall coordination and support to the Builder Groups.


In consensus decision making, the input and ideas of all meeting participants are gathered and synthesized to arrive at a final decision acceptable to all members of the group.

Consensus does not mean that everyone thinks that the decision made is necessarily the best one possible; consensus means that in coming to that decision, no one felt that their position on the matter was misunderstood or not given a proper hearing. It further means that while everyone might not agree fully with the decision, they are ready to continue supporting and working for the Organisation.


We are driven by our values:
● Equity, Rights, and Transformative Justice
● Inclusive and Intersectional approach to our work
● Be accountable and transparent with those we work with and work to serve, living up to our values and proposed outcomes.
● Listen and learn with an ear to the ground
● Passion to ethically transform digital health to achieve health for all
● Empowering and upskilling diverse youth voices
● Leave no one behind by reaching those who are missing out from the existing services
● We work through an anti-racism and anti-oppression framework
● People-centered approaches to digital healthcare
● Respect and pay young people for their work